A Thrilling Scene Relived from … THE MUMMY’S HAND! (1940) – Famous Monsters #31

The Mummy's Hand (1940)

The Mummy’s Hand (1940)


Tom Tyler as Kharis (the Mummy)

Dick Foran as Steve Banning

Peggy Moran as Marta Solvani

Eduardo Ciannelli as the High Priest

George Zucco as Prof/Andoheb

The Mummy's Hand (1940)

This is the first sequel to Boris Karloff’s The Mummy (1932).  The film begins at the ruins of the temple of Karnak on the Hill of the Seven Jackals with the arrival of Professor Andoheb.  He meets the elderly High Priest who introduces him to a magic pool of swirling waters.  They behold a vision of events that transpired over three thousand years ago.

The scene was highlighted in Famous Monsters of Filmland magazine in December 1964, issue #31 – and Mysterio Theatre proudly presents it to you below:

Famous Monsters Issue 31

The High Priest to Professor Andoheb:

“Come closer.  Look deep into the Waters of Khar.  Behold!  Over 3,000 years ago, the Princess Ananka died and she was buried with all the ceremony due her exalted station.  Ananka’s father, King Amenophis, bade her a last farewell.”

“And thus, the Princess Ananka was placed in her tomb.  Kharis, a prince of the Royal House who loved Ananka, looked on in grief.  His devotion was so great that he refused to believe that she was lost to him forever.”

“Kharis broke into the altar room of Isis to steal the secret of eternal life from its hiding place.  With that, he knew that he could bring Ananka back to life.  Daring the anger of the ancient gods, he stole the forbidden tana leaves…”

Andoheb witnesses the grief-stricken Kharis captured by guard before he can reanimate his dead mistress.  He is taken before Pharoah for judgement.

“For the sin he had committed, Kharis was condemned to be buried alive.  But first they cut out his tongue so the ears of the gods would not be assailed by his unholy curses.  The sinful Kharis was buried alone in a remote place.  With him was also buried a great quantity of the forbidden tana leaves.”

“Then the slaves were killed so they could not tell of what had taken place.  Later the priests removed Kharis from his unholy grave, into a cave on the other side of this mountain. Thus, none but the Priests of Karnak know Kharis’ mastaba.”

[A mastaba is a 17 to 20 foot tall ancient Egyptian tomb.  They are rectangular with sloped sides and a flat roof.  The burial chamber is underground while the ground level rooms store offerings. – Dr. Morpheus] 

The Mummy's Hand (1940)

“For over 3,000 years Kharis has remained there in his cave on the other side of this mountain and he waits to bring death to whoever tries to defile Ananka’s tomb …  for Kharis and never really died!

Professor Andoheb murmurs, agape: “Kharis…  Is still alive?”

The High Priest points toward a statue. “In the idol of Isis, you will find a copper box.  Open it.”

Inside the ornate box is a quantity of dried, crumbling material.  “Tana leaves!”

“Bring 3 of them.  Three of the leaves will make enough fluid to keep Kharis’ heart beating.  Once each night, during the cycle of the full moon, you will dissolve 3 tana leaves and give the fluid to Kharis.”

“You hear? – children of the night!  They howl about the Hill of the 7 Jackals, but Kharis must be fed.  Should unbelievers seek to desecrate the tomb of Ananka, you will use 9 leaves each night to give life and movement to Kharis.  Thus, you will enable him to bring vengeance on the heads of those who try to enter…

“Yes, Master.”

“But never, for any reason, must you brew more than 9 leaves at one time.  Should Kharis obtain a large amount of the fluid, he would become an uncontrollable monster- a soulless demon with the desire to kill… and kill!”

“I understand, Master.”

The Mummy's Hand (1940)
Tom Tyler as Kharis in The Mummy’s Hand (1940)

The Priest removes a medallion from around his neck and motions for Andoheb to approach.

“Put this about your neck.  Time to wear the medallion of the High Priest.  Now, swear by the ancient gods of Egypt that you will not betray your trust.”

“I swear by the mighty power of Amon-Ra, whose anger can shatter the world, and by the dread power of Set, that I will never betray my trust as High Priest of Karnak.”

As Andoheb swears his oath, the Priest grows weak…

“O Mighty Gods of Egypt, you have chosen my successor.  May you… find him… worthy.”

The Priest collapses into death, having passed the burden of three-thousand years onto the shoulders of a new High Priest of Karnak.


Buy The Mummy DVD Collection below, which includes The Mummy’s Hand (1940)!

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